Join Our Team

Are you a High School Student looking to have some fun, meet new people, and have awesome new experiences? Do you like to work through challenges with a team? Want to show off your art or writing skills, or have a passion for electronics, engineering or computers?

FIRST Robotics may be the thing for you!

A common misconception is that all you do on a robotics team is build robots. Team Phoenix knows that this is simply not true. We have Marketing, Business, Systems, Art, and Writing to worry about! Let’s look at some of the things you could be doing on our team.

Marketing: This sub-team makes sure we have enough funding for our robot and competition fees. They organize fundraisers and communicate with new and old sponsors to thank them and set up tours of their facilities.

Business: This sub-team works closely with Marketing, but also sets up open houses and maintains our website. They write most of our nomination essays for the Woody Flowers and Dean Kamen Awards as well as organizing volunteering opportunities for the team.

Art, Writing, Web Design and Videography: Within the previous two sub-teams there is a need for Artists and Writers. We design buttons (or pins) and a banner each year. The website needs to be artistically updated with the challenge season’s theme. The team must also prepare a presentation for each open house, the Chairman’s Award, the highest honor of FIRST, and any other awards we try out for. Two awards are based on video animation and we like to keep our Youtube channel updated with team videos too.

Outreach: Volunteering is what we do. Our team works with many different organizations in the greater Nashua area including the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Nashua, Hampstead Community Military Support Group, The Boy and Girl Scouts, Nashua Soup Kitchen and The Academy for Science and Design just to name a few.

Systems: This sub-team manages the time constraints we have to work with, and keeps all of the other sub-teams interconnected and running smoothly throughout the build season. They also organize meetings for all of the sub-team leads as needed.

Mechanical and electrical engineering: Learn how to bring a robot from an idea through to fruition. Start by using Computer Aided Design (CAD) to accurately draw the robot our on a computer so that the pieces can be fabricated in our machine shop or bought off the shelf when we can. Meanwhile the electrical subteam is creating a control board, and as soon as able, wiring the robot completely from scratch.

Computer Programming: While mechanical and electrical are doing their part, programming is in communication with them and starts programming the robot to do what we want it to do. Our programming language is Java. We also use Arduinos and Raspberry Pies on our robots as needed.

We need students and mentors who have an interest or skill in the following fields:

Art: painting, drawing, graphic design and sewing
Business Management
Community Outreach
Computer Programming
Electrical Design
Mechanical Design
Mentoring a FLL or Junior FLL team (FIRST Lego League)
Public Speaking
Strategy/Game Coaching
Video Animation
Web Design

Consider joining Team Phoenix and becoming part of a dynamic team.